第 18 卷 (2009) - 第 4 期
返回列表Transgenic strategies for developing transgenic plants with geminivirus resistance.
Lin, C.-Y., Tsai, W.-S., Ku, H.-M., and Jan, F.-J.
Current progress and prospect of the reverse genetics of plant negative-strand RNA viruses.
Chang, H.-H., Ku, H.-M., and Jan, F.-J.
Identification of the potyvirus causing mosaic symptom on iris and the preparation of the virus polyclonal antiserum by immunizing bacterial expressed viral coat protein.
IChiang, F. L., Chen, C. C., Chang, C. A., and Cheng, Y. H.
Detection of quiescent infection of mango stem end rot pathogen Lasiodiplodia theobromae in shoot and pre-plucked mango fruit by seminested PCR
Yu-Ju Lin ., Yen-Ting Wang ., Hong-Ren Yang., Pi-Han Wang.
Generation of monoclonal antibody against the replicase of Watermelon silver mottle virus and its application on the detection of L protein expression in planta. Plant Pathol. Bull.
Chang, H.-H., Tseng, H.-H., Yeh, S.-D., Ku, H.-M., and Jan, F.-J.
Identification of root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans and P. loosi (Nematoda: Pratylenchidae) from strawberry and tea plantations in Taiwan.
Chen, D. Y., Ni, H. F., Yen, J. H., Wu, W. S., and Tsay, T. T.