第 18 卷 (2009) - 第 3 期
返回列表Histopathology and bacterial populations of atypical symptoms-inducing Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri strains in leaves of grapefruit and Mexican Lime.
Lin, H. C., Hsu, S. T., and Tzeng, K. C.
Identification and fungicidal sensitivity of the fungus Venturia sp., the causal agent of pear scab in Taiwan.
Wu, S. Y., Chung, W. C., Huang, J. W., Ishii, H., and Chung, W. H.
Occurrence and identification of bacterial leaf spot of horseradish.
Hseu, S. H., Sung, C. J., Chen, M. T., Gao, R. L., and Kuo, K. C.
A simple technique, concentration and application schedule for using neutralized phosphorous acid to control Phytophthora diseases.
Ann, P. J., Tsai, J. N., Wong, I. T., Hsieh, T. F., and Lin, C. Y.
Identification of a new recorded pin nematode Paratylenchus minutus (Nematoda: Criconematoidea, Tylenchulidae) in Taiwan.
Chen, D. Y., Ni, H. F., Yen, J. H., and Tsay, T. T. .
Genetic diversity of the white collar-2 (wc-2) gene in cereal Phaeosphaeria pathogens.
Chiu, E. Y. H., Chang, P. F., Gao, L. Y., Chou, C. C., and Ueng, P. P.