第 15 卷 (2006) - 第 4 期
返回列表Cloning and sequence analyses of recA gene of phytoplasma associated with peanut witches' broom.
Chu, Y. R., Chen, W. Y., and Lin, C. P.
Occurrence and pathogenicity of stem canker of guava in Taiwan caused by Botryosphaeria rhodina.
Wang, C. L. and Hsieh, H. Y.
Proteases From Talaromyces flavus and Trichoderma harzianum : Purification , Characterization and Antifungal Activity Against Brown Spot Disease on Faba Bean.
Haggag, W. M., Kansoh, A. L., and Aly, A. M.
Identification for the Causal Agent of Caspia Anthracnose and Its Pathogenicity Tests.
Hong, C. F. , Chang, P. F. L. , Chang, J. Y., and Huang, J. W.
Identification of stunt nematode Tylenchorhynchus annulatus and a new recorded Tylenchorhynchus leviterminalis (Nematoda: Belonolaimidae) in Taiwan.
Chen, D. Y., Ni, H. F., Yen, J. H., and Tsay, T. T.
Distribution of Pine wilt diseases in Taiwan nd the study of its causal nematodes.
Chen, P. , Huang, Y.Y. , Tsay, T.T. and Yen, J.H .
Development of specific PCR primers for identification of Pseudomonas cichorii.
Hseu, S. H., Shentue, H. and Lin, C. Y.